11 August, 2011

It's been too long

Too long since I did any ironing.
Seriously I can't remember when I last tackled my ironing basket.
And therefore this is what it looks like

Yes I know it's huge. And yes I know the clothes are crumpled and it will take me twice as long.

I'm not someone who is fussy about what gets ironed either. I don't iron sheets, well just the fold over bit, nor slot of tshirts, unless really crumpled, and definitely not boxer shorts or pjs!!!

So how has it got to this stage??I'm spoilt!!! Not generally, just when it comes to help. My MIL used to come one day a week to look after the girls whilst I worked And most days she would do a fair bit of the ironing.

But she we os for 5 weeks towards the end of my pregnancy and I couldn't stand and iron at that stage so it just piled up.

So I'm giving myself a challenge:

1 week to empty the basket. Starting today, iron everyday if I have to, at least 15 items each time.

I'll let you know next thursday how I've gone. Or earlier!!!

Now I don't want to hear how you iron off the line lol. That's my SIL and MIL and I'm not them. But I do have to come up with a better system so that it doesn't pile up. And ideas? Perhaps twice a week, designated times to doing it. On the calendar so then it's part of my routine. What do you do???

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Crystal Goulding said...

I don't iron. Ever. That's why we have a dryer. If we got out, Nathan will iron. But I don't touch the thing!

Anonymous said...

LOL, I don't iron! Occasionally Izzy will ask for a work shirt to be ironed, but that is pretty rare, maybe once a month. My iron only really gets used for my sewing stuff LOL.

Kerryn said...

I actually don't mind the ironing. Probably because I usually pop a movie on or do it while I'm watching TV. However I can never keep on top of it. I guess it's one of those things - with family, kids, there is always washing which means there is always ironing. Once I clear the basket I always tell myself I'm going to keep on top of it and then a week later I'm staring at two baskets full of ironing again LOL. But when there is so much other fun stuff to be doing who wants to do ironing ;).
Whatever you do don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just do what you can do, you have yourself a newborn and 2 other kiddies to look after too remember!!

Sue Plumb said...

LMAO! I don't iron AT ALL. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Don't even know when the last time I turned the bastard on even was! ;-)

Jasmine S said...

I used to iron for a living to help get me through Uni.....so no, I dont enjoy it one bit now but.....
I used to iron whilst watching Packed to the Rafters, then that finished so I went to Grays Anatomy and now that's finished so it just piles up until we run out of clothes....
So I need to find a new show that I can watch/listen/iron to...That way, it gets done each week and I don't feel lazy just sitting watching tv....

Linda Eggleton said...

I find that folding straight from the line helps reduce the ironing pile...it may take a few minutes longer standing at the line folding it - but well worth it! :-)

Jules said...

Ironing? what's that?? i got the iron and board out the other night to apply an iron-on prima flower to a layout and DH nearly gave himself a hernia laughing... it's been that long since he saw me ironing!! but it all mad sense when he saw what i was ironing.. lol. nah - i used to be a freak about it, but i finally got sick of finding nicely ironed clothes in a crumpled mess in the kids cupboard and thought 'no more'... if they want something ironed, they know where to find the iron!! my bad.. :)

Anonymous said...

Michael irons his stuff, I only need to iron for the kids and I about once a fortnight. Not much gets ironed! It's amazing how much you can get away with it once you start - things actually do not look that bad - especially kids clothes. Another trick I have learnt - Have a spray bottle of lavender oil and water and spray it on clothes as they hang. Lavender oil naturally gets creases out!